New Year’s Resolutions For Seniors to Maintain or Improve on Fitness

As winter’s chill descends, many people give in to the urge to huddle by the fire — and put off their fitness routines until spring. Maintaining fitness can play a significant role in overall health for senior adults. From improving energy to controlling weight and managing pain, regular exercise provides a variety of benefits.
Consider incorporating these New Year’s resolutions into your fitness routine to keep you moving and active through the winter months.
Add a Daily Walk
If you’re not already walking on a regular basis, consider adding this versatile form of exercise to your routine. Research has found that walking can help reduce the risk of developing physical disabilities, and it’s an activity you can enjoy in just about any weather. If you set out in the cold, be sure to wear outer clothing layers you can remove as you warm up.
Dive into Water Sports
Heading to a heated, indoor pool can add variety to your fitness routine. Swimming is low-impact and easy on joints, while water aerobics classes help you build strength and muscle tone. By working out in a pool, you use your own body weight and resistance from the water for a more-intense workout.
Head Indoors to Fight Winter Weather
When cold, icy weather prevents you from exercising outdoors, take advantage of a gym, indoor track or group exercise classes to maintain your fitness. Local malls are ready-made for walking, and many even offer early-morning walking clubs for seniors. In a gym or fitness center, work with a trainer to develop a workout plan tailored to your ability level.
Get a Total Body Workout
As you schedule fitness activities, try to fit in different types of exercise that maintain or improve your strength, flexibility and aerobic endurance. Stretching classes can build your flexibility and help with range of motion limitations, and lifting weights at least twice a week can help keep your muscles functioning properly. To keep your heart strong, try to engage in at least half an hour of moderate-intensity activity — such as walking, swimming or cycling — on most days.
Don’t Forget to Have Fun
Exercise is important for overall good health, but it can also provide entertainment and opportunities for socializing with friends and family members. To maintain your fitness and have fun, enjoy some forms of exercise that don’t feel like work. For example, take a hike in nature, play fetch with your dog, plant a garden, go out dancing with a friend, or enjoy a round of golf.
With so many ways to maintain or improve your fitness level, you can choose forms of activity that appeal to you and fit your personal needs.